The Aging Process from Your 20’s to Senior Years

When you’re in your twenties, you tend to think you’re invincible. The thought of getting older doesn’t really cross your mind. You indulge in drinking, smoking, and lots of sunbathing, all of which can start to take a toll on your skin.

Things to focus on in your twenties:

• Have a daily skin care routine for morning and night with quality products.
• Always wear sunblock, regardless of the weather. Just because it may be cloudy, doesn’t mean that you aren’t still being harmed by UV rays.
• Limit alcohol consumption
• Quit smoking
• Consider Botox and skin resurfacing in your later 20’s – it pays to be proactive!

In your thirties and for the remainder of your life, you want to focus on the same preventative measures as you did in your twenties, but the fact of the matter is, you’ll be faced with more stress and your skin will start losing collagen and elastin. You’ll notice more fine lines and other visible signs of aging. This is the age range where Botox, dermal fillers, and laser treatments start to become a necessity.

In your forties and fifties, you will start to notice a much greater change in appearance, especially if you have not proceeded with any type of cosmetic facial procedures. Your face loses volume, your skin will sag more, you’ll have to work extra hard in the gym to tighten up parts of your body, and your eyes and temples may appear more sunken. This is the best time to consider surgical procedures, not to completely change your look, but to make you look like a better version of your existing self. More refreshed and youthful with a confident glow!

As you enter the senior years (60+), you’ll have the same issues as your forties and fifties…they’ll just be more prominent. This is when more invasive surgical techniques will be required to make an impact.
The more you know about the aging process, the better off you’ll be, both in terms of aging gracefully, as well as seeking out certain procedures that can shed years off of your face. When considering any type of surgical procedure, ensure you are visiting a surgeon who is reputable and board-certified. They know all of the procedures inside-out, so they will recommend whatever is best to achieve your desired results.

Don’t fear aging. Fear not taking care of yourself to look and feel your very best throughout your life!

Looking for a oral or cosmetic facial surgeon in Surrey, BC? Look no further than New England Oral & Cosmetic Facial Surgery! Check out our services and give us a call to book a consultation: 604-507-0514.

How to Feel More Confident in 2019

Well, it’s safe to say that 2018 went by in a flash! And so often, we have plans for things we want to do, but time passes by and before we know it, another year has gone by.

Now is the time to think about what you want your 2019 to look like including goals you want to accomplish, places you want to visit, new things you want to try, and ways in which you want to improve yourself to have more confidence. 2019 mylar balloons

Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make. This is because when you invest in yourself, it makes you feel better about yourself. When you feel better about yourself, it positively affects all other areas of your life.

Ways you can improve yourself to have a more positive and fruitful year:

  • Write down your goals to hold yourself accountable
  • Regular physical fitness routine
  • Healthy eating
  • Quit smoking
  • Limit or restrict alcohol consumption
  • Adequate sleep (at least 7 to 8 hours per night)
  • Express yourself creatively and share your gifts with the world (art, writing)
  • Work on your personal development (books, podcasts, courses)
  • Choose to be happy and find ways to inject more happiness in your life
  • Surround yourself with positive, like-minded people
  • Set up a savings plan for the year – decide where you will cut down on unnecessary spending
  • Hire a coach to help keep you on track with where you want to be

    And in addition to all of these types of things, other ways you can boost your confidence physically include:

    • Dental implants build self confidence
    • Botox
    • Lip enhancement
    • Cheek implants
    • Chin implants
    • Non-surgical chin lift
    • Jaw profile surgery
    • Ear lobe surgery
      A fulfilled life is all encompassing. The way you look and feel on the outside has to match how you look and feel on the inside. At New England Oral & Cosmetic Facial Surgery, we would love the opportunity to speak with you with regard to how we can help you feel your absolute best in the New Year! Check out our complete list of services and give us a call us today to book a consultation: (604) 507-0514.